
The Zero Runner cracked the code to replicate real running motion with zero impact. Incorporating the Zero Runner into your training schedule allows you to continue to add the miles but without the impact on your joints.
The pedals are independent so you have free motion and flexibility to create a customized stride to walk, jog or run that feels best to your body. The patented hip and knee joints on the Zero Runner facilitate this custom motion and natural stride – you can replicate exactly what you do outside.

Instead of simply adding additional miles — get more out of every mile by supplementing your training with the Zero Runner so you stay strong and prevent injuries.
Whether you’re an experienced marathoner or starting a running career, you will benefit from the zero impact on your body, ultimately resulting in superior running performance.
Build your endurance, strengthen your muscles and look forward to your next long run outside by combining the best of both worlds with the Zero Runner and outdoor running.

The Zero Runner is a great option for runners who struggle to take days off. It is ideal for active recovery days because you’re still working on your running muscles and building endurance, with the added benefit of zero impact on your body.
Plus, undo some of the stress that running inflicts with CROSS CiRCUIT programs, such as flexibility and yoga routines.

One of the best ways to stay injury-free during your running program is to cross train. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or ultra runner, all runners can benefit from cross training on the Zero Runner to reduce the risk of getting injured.
Cross training varies the stresses to the body so that overall conditioning improves and you strengthen your weak links.
Plus, cross training can decrease the tendency to over-train by incorporating balance and variety, so you can fuel your running addiction and run for the rest of your life.

Doing too much, too soon or too fast can cause an injury, sideline you and delay your training. Incorporating cross training with the Zero Runner has never been easier with the CROSS CiRCUIT program and the SmartLink app.
CROSS CiRCUIT combines cardio intervals on the Zero Runner with strength training or stretching exercises next to the machine for the ultimate in effectiveness and efficiency.

Exclusively running is a thing of the past. Now, smart athletes, including professional marathoners, attest to the power of cross training to improve their race times and recovery.
With CROSS CiRCUIT on the Zero Runner, you can help minimize overuse injuries by strengthening the entire body and incorporating different exercises, such as lateral training, plyometrics, core moves and upper-body work.
Take on your weaker links and watch your running performance soar.

No more digging around in magazines or online trying to find articles that provide cross training exercises. With the CROSS CiRCUIT program, it’s easier than ever to perform the strength and stretching workouts that you know you should be doing as a runner.
With a click of a button in the SmartLink app, try a customized workout based on your running goal to help you accomplish more faster.
Capitalize on CROSS CiRCUIT to propel your running to new heights.